The Exercise CONTEX-PHIBEX 15 is now in Phase 3. Tactical Phase (TACEX from 23-26JUN), it includes an Amphibious Raid.
This phase is focused on real time planning and execution of the full spectrum of operations in support of crisis management. In detail, this phase is governed by the deployment of an amphibious force to conduct an initial entry force operation, before the beginning of a peace enforcement operation. It also includes the enforcement of an embargo operation, with possible asymmetric threat opposition.
An amphibious raid is going to be conducted in support of the overall scenario, in order to bring peace and stability to NICELANIA (Real world between Setúbal and Troia) in order to assess the need to develop a more robust international intervene by generating and deploy Follow-on-Forces.
So, the days 23 and 24 are for the transit of the Task Force to the Amphibious Operation Area (nearby Troia - Pinheiro da Cruz beach). During this transit the units are under the threat of different types of attacks. The mission of the EUROMARFOR units (ESPS Cristóbal Colón, FS Courbet and NRP Álvares Cabral) is to protect the amphibious units, namely ESPS Juan Carlos I and ESPS Castilla.
Soon we will hear about the Amphibious Assault.