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June 22, 2016
NRP João Roby arriving to the exercise SWORDFISH, after the participation on the ITALIAN MINEX 16

In the last month the Portuguese corvette João Roby participated in the exercise Multicooperative with the Tunisian Navy, organized by EUROMARFOR, and in the ITALIAN MINEX 16. In both exercises under the EUROMARFOR flag.

After four days sailing the ship is now arriving at Lisbon, but not to rest. The ship is already in a new mission, she is participating in the exercise Swordfish 2016. 

The exercise is underway from 20th to 30th of June and is based on a scenario of a crisis response operation. 

Exercise SWORDFISH website here


 Armando Correia   2016-06-23 21:46:03   1193 / 232790;
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