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April 11, 2017
The Royal Moroccan Navy hosts the MCE 17 Final Planning Conference

The Exercise Final Planning Conference, held in Casablanca, concluded the multinational staff planning process.

At the meeting participated representatives of RMN, EMFPC, the nominated COMGRUEUROMARFOR and Italian and Portuguese Defence attaché. They agreed on the details of the exercise, setting up the most favourable conditions for the conduct of the activity planned in next May.

The Multi-Cooperative Exercise 2017 (MCE 17) is a maritime live activity organized by EUROMARFOR and the Royal Moroccan Navy with the purpose to demonstrate the willingness to close relationship among Nations enhancing cooperation in maritime security.

Four frigates, supported by Italian and Moroccan MOCs and other Moroccan assets, will be integrated in a multinational maritime force operating at sea practising training events in maritime operations in order to enhance their interoperability and obtain a more robust maritime situational awareness as key factor for maritime security.

 Pedro Borges   2017-04-19 14:33:10   588 / 232691;
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