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April 27, 2019
French Mine Hunter underway to integrate EMF TG

FS ORION left Toulon,  hers homeport in France, the 25th of April to join the EUROMARFOR mine counter measures task group that in few days will be activated for the 40th time in the history.

FS ORION, MHC Tripartite Class, was launched in January 1986. She depends, organically and for training purposes, by the Command in Chief of the Fleet (ALFAN), through the ALFAN Mines Division, located in Brest.

Lieutenant Commander François-Eudes Laurent is the Commanding Officer of FS ORION that will integrate the EMF task group under the Operational Control of COMEUROMARFOR the Vice Admiral (PON) Henrique Gouveia e Melo.

 Francesco Rima   2019-04-29 15:40:10   564 / 232497;
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