After having completed the Spanish Minex 19 exercise the COMGRUEUROMARFOR, Portuguese Navy Commander Duarte da Conceição ordered EUROMARFOR task group dispersal and NRP Figueira da Foz, FS Orion, ITS Rimini and ESPS Segura, left the Balearic Islands setting sail to their next assignment.
The Commander of European Maritime Forces (COMEUROMARFOR) Vice admiral Henrique Gouveia e Melo addressed to the crews of the four Units a farewell message remarking the achieved outputs.
The Spanish Minex 19 resulted in a great opportunity to highlight the importance of cooperation and information sharing, to enable the best benefit and proficiency of the Force. All the activities conducted during this exercise have been useful to increase the readiness of the EMF MCM task group, making it ready to deploy wherever there is the need to ensure the safe use of waterways.
COMEUROMARFOR also expressed his deep appreciation to the four Vice Admiral’s heads of the French, Italian and Spanish Navies’ Fleets for having assured the participation of well-trained and professional crews.