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June 13, 2022
FLOTEX-22.- EMF Activation

EUROMARFOR (EMF) will raise again the “EUROMARFOR (EMF) flag” participating in the main advanced and demanding Spanish Exercise FLOTEX 22. This participation in FLOTEX 22 confirms its 49th activation and the EMF Flag at sea.

FLOTEX 22 is an annual maritime live advanced exercise, sponsored by the Spanish Fleet and will be carried out mostly in the Atlantic Sea area, from 13th to 24th june 2022.

This exercise will cover the main warfare areas and will provide training opportunities to surface ships, Mine Countermeasures, submarines, aircraft and amphibious forces.

EUROMARFOR Nations approved the activation of an EUROMARFOR Task Group (EMF TG) in this exercise which includes two Surface assets provided by Spain (ESPS “Victoria”) and Italy (ITS “Rizzo”).


The Commander of the EUROMARFOR Task Group (COMGRUEUROMARFOR) is Commander Rafael Mira Calvo, to whom was delegated the Tactical Command (TACOM) of the EUROMARFOR TASK-GROUP (EMF TG).

He is also, Commanding Officer of ESPS “Victoria”, Spanish “Santa Maria” frigate class, which will be acting as flagship.

A multinational Staff is embarked in the flagship in order to support the COMGRUEUROMARFOR.

Their mission is to participate in the FLOTEX 22 in the assigned areas in order to enhance the combat readiness of the Force.

 ALFLOT ORP   2022-06-14 07:52:50   401 / 232681;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell