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June 16, 2023

COMGRUEUROMARFOR, the Commander of the EUROMARFOR TASK GROUP, Captain Isidro Carrara Navas, visited two of the EUROMARFOR ships under his command in FLOTEX23, during the TACEX phase:













During both visits it was remarked the operational capabilities of the Units and it was proved, once again, the commitment of the EUROMARFOR crews to pursuit the assigned tasks and also their pro-activity.

Horizon-class frigates such as FS CHEVALIER PAUL are the most powerful surface combatants that France has ever built. In service since the end of 2011, it bears the pennant number D621. It has a length of 153 meters, for a total crew of 185 people, with a top speed of 29 knots.

Her primary duty is air defense, as her bow has a large number of anti-aircraft missiles, although her armament enables her to deal with most other naval threats: it’s equipped with Anti Air Missile System, anti-ship missiles, 76mm super rapid guns and 20 mm tele-operated guns. The MU90 ASW torpedoes gives to FS “Chavalier Paul” strong ASW capabilities.

The FS “Chevalier Paul”, also deploys a modern countermeasures suite that included a communications and radar jammer suite and decoy launchers.

FS Chevalier Paul is named after Jean-Paul de Saumeur (1598-1667), a French admiral who fought in the Mediterranean.

The FS “Cavalier Paul” is the third of three ships of the French Navy to bear his name.


Captain Isidro Carrara visited the Ship durning a Firing exercise and he appreciated, as he said to the FOSCARI’s CO, “the professionalism of your crew”.




ITS “COMANDANTE FOSCARI” is the last ship belonging to the Comandanti Class” a stealth Italian Patrol boat class.

It’s a well-armed patrol boat of around 1500 tons, serving in the Italian Navy since the 2004.

It has short/medium range ASUW/AAW self-defense capabilities with gunneries systems of 3 inches (76/62 Super Rapido gun) and two 25 millimeter guns.

ITS Foscari has the potentiality to embark two different kinds of helicopters (AB 212 or SH 90) having a retractable telescopic hangar and during the FLOTEX an AB 212 has been embarked.

ITS Foscari is named after Adriano Foscari (1904-1980), an Italian Admiral that was prized with the Golden Military medal for a brave initiative as Commanding Officer, in 1942, of the destroyer ITS “CAMICIA NERA”.



 ALFLOT ORP   2023-06-16 09:47:24   475 / 232691;
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