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June 02, 2024
EUROMARFOR flag flies again in the Central Med. First activation in 29 years of history with an aircraft carrier.

First activation in 29 years of history with an aircraft carrier, also flagshisp of the Force. The EUROMARFOR has seen its flag flown by the vessels of a Carrier Task Group composed by the flagship, ITS CAVOUR, and three escorts: FS ACONIT, ITS ALPINO and ESPS NUMANCIA.

This result further demonstrates the resilience and ability of the EMF to swiftly take on new commitments and to meet the future challenges of today`s hectic and unpredictable scenarios.

Under tactical command of RAdm. (ITN) Giancarlo CIAPPINA, the EMF Carrier Task Group conducted multiple training activities, cooperating with allied and partner navies and enhancing maritime security in the central and eastern Mediterranean.

 EMFPC ORP   2024-10-02 06:56:13   65 / 232763;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell