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November 20, 2024
EUROMARFOR Sub-Working Group meeting in Paris - France

The second EUROMARFOR Sub-working Group meeting of the year took place on 19th and 20th of November at the French Armed Forces Headquarters in Paris, attended by both representatives of the EMF Member nations Naval Staffs and the EMF Permanent Cell (located at the Italian Fleet HQs, Santa Rosa - Rome).
The EUROMARFOR Sub-working Group (SWG EMF) is in charge of Force’s technical and planning issues and conducts studies on training and operational topics, thus helping to support the decision-making process of the EMF Political Military Working Group (POLMIL WG).
The meeting, chaired by the Portuguese Navy as secretariat nation, focused on the outcomes of the last 6 months activities and on the upcoming activations that will take place during the Italian Command (2023-2025). 
It is worth mentioning the Activity Plan until the year 2028, with a high level of ambition aiming at continue developing and affirming the EUROMARFOR commitments as maritime security provider in the Wider Mediterranean Sea.
EMF will continue working to further develop the interoperability among units and personnel thus ensuring the maritime security through an high level of info sharing among the EMF Navies operational HQs as well as an endless cooperation with other international organizations, namely EU, NATO and the UN.
At the operational level, the Commander of the European Maritime Force (COMEUROMARFOR) is appointed every two years, being currently held since last September 26th by the Commander in Chief of the Italian Fleet, Vice Admiral Aurelio DE CAROLIS.
The COMEUROMARFOR (CEMF) relies on both national staff and the EMF Permanent Cell (EMF PC) for the planning / execution of the assigned tasks. The EMF PC is composed of a Director, who is a Captain/Colonel of the CEMF nationality, and four national representatives (Commander or Lieutenant Commander) from each EMF Nation.
Since Italy has assumed Command, EUROMARFOR has been activated during the exercises MARE APERTO 23-2, DIVEX 24, OLIVES NOIRES 24, ESP MINEX 24, ITA MINEX 24, MARE APERTO 24-1/POLARIS24,  EMF CARRIER TASK GROUP, REPMUS 24 and three times in the Gulf of Guinea.

 EMFPC ORP   2024-11-27 10:13:23   55 / 232789;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell