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December 22, 2016
Three French policemen accidentally sail out on US aircraft carrier

Three French police officers from Marseille found themselves stuck on the U.S. Navy’s nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower as it departed the French city after a regular port visit on Tuesday.

The U.S. sailors had to stop the 330-meter ship once they noticed the three policemen who boarded the carrier out of curiosity, French news site France Bleu Provence wrote.

Making a U-turn was not an option for the ship which meant the French policemen were sent back to Marseille on a small boat, likely a RHIB.

Caroline Pozmentier, deputy mayor of Marseille in charge of security, said the officers would be disciplined as they had “nothing to do on an aircraft carrier”.

USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (Ike) entered Marseille, France, December 16 where it stayed for four days before continuing the journey home from the Mediterranean Sea and a counter-ISIL mission.

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 Naval Today   2016-12-22 09:21:53   42 / 64127;
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