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January 09, 2017
Safran to upgrade French ballistic missile submarines’ navigation system

The French defense procurement agency DGA contracted Safran Electronics & Defense to developed an improved version of its global navigation system that is used on the country’s Triomphant class ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

In a announcement on Monday, the company said the new version capitalizes on feedback from the current laser gyro-based navigation systems.

The company added that the new system will be the first to eliminate the need for electrostatically suspended gyroscopes (ESG), which were traditionally used for navigation on strategic platforms.

The French Navy operates four Triomphant-class ballistic missile submarines that were commissioned into the navy between 1994 and 2010. FS Le Téméraire is currently undergoing an overhaul during which she will be adapted to carry the new M51 submarine-launched ballistic missile.

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 Naval Today   2017-01-09 15:14:16   44 / 64115;
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