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January 26, 2016
ITS Libeccio join the SNMG2

On January 19th, ITS Libeccio left Cagliari port in order to join the fleet of SNMG2  (Standing  NATO Maritime Group 2) and participated in the Naval operation under the NATO flag in the operation Active Endeavour. This operation consists merchant vessel monitoring, merchant traffic control and to ensure the safety of navigation.

ITS Libeccio has joined the force with an integration training activity in order to train the personnel and achieved the integration within the SNMG2. One of the most important activities was a boarding exercise performed by a Specialist Team of the “San Marco Brigade” on board the German ship FGS BONN acting as “contact of interest”. The exercise consisted of a control of the identity of the crew, the on-board documentation and the main operational areas of the ship. This was an opportunity to share operational procedures and, at the same time, acquire specific knowledge about the counter-terrorism and maritime safety.

ITS Libeccio Commanding Officer, Cdr TRAETTA Cristo Salvatore, the crew of  190 men and women, including the specialized teams and facilities of the San Marco Brigade and the Navy aviation, work together with ships of other NATO countryies including Canada and Germany to contrast effectively international terrorism, representing a valuable instrument for the defense and the security of the Alliance.

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 Stefano Donno   2016-01-26 13:09:47   367 / 68085;
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