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December 05, 2011
EUROMARFOR activation in Operation ATALANTA

On 22nd of June of 2011, the EUROFORCES High Level Inter-Ministerial Committee (CIMIN) agreed to participate in EUNAVFOR ATALANTA during three rotations in 2012. This agreement of EUROFORCES Member Nations has been mainly motivated by the opportunity of having three of the four Member Nations assuming the three rotations of the Force Headquarter afloat (FHQ) for whole year 2012, which constitutes a perfect occasion to prove the results and the efficiency of EUROMARFOR training activities in a real world operation (RWO). Since last RWO Activation ) almost 3 years ago (on Command of the Maritime Task Force of UNIFIL, coast of Lebanon, under United Nations aegis), on the 6 December 2012, the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR) -currently under the command of Vice Admiral (French Navy) XAVIER MAGNE- will be activated for a new Real World Operation. In this occasion, this Force will contribute to the European Union "Operation ATALANTA", ongoing in the Gulf of Aden and Somali Basin, in order to: a. Guarantee the security of humanitarian assistance flow, through the protection of World Food Programme (WFP), African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) and associated shipping. b. Strengthen security within the main maritime routes. c. Fight piracy and armed robbery at sea in the region. Under European Union (EU) aegis, the first EUROMAFOR FHQ command rotation will be led Spain until April 2012. Captain JORGE MANSO (Spanish navy), assigned as Commander of FHQ, will be embarked on board the Flag Ship ESPS  PATINO (AOR). Other EUROMARFOR ships, for the time being, the French frigates FLOREAL and, temporarily, LAMOTTE PIQUET, as well as other non-EMF nations' ships, will be under his command. So, this EUROMARFOR activation, set in the context of Operation ATALANTA in the Gulf of Aden and Somali basin, is one more strong contribution to preserve the strategic interest of the international community and to rebalance the regional trend to impunity in that region of the world.

 Armando Correia   2011-12-05 14:04:26   405 / 228834;
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