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January 18, 2012
EUROMARFOR Flag Ship PATIO helps Iranian Dhow, providing her 2000 liters of fuel.


During the morning of January 17th, the Danish Maritime Patrol Aircraft LONGLEG received a distress call from an Iranian Dhow, who had run out of fuel and was adrift in the Somali Basin. As the Danish aircraft hadn't a linguist onboard, they crew relayed the information to EUROMARFOR Flag Ship, PATIO, who was 100 miles west from the dhow. After a well coordinated action among PATIO and LONGLEG (Danish MPA assign to NATO), EUROMARFOR Flag Ship headed towards the dhow, arriving at her vicinity six hours later. Finally the dhow, with 11 sailors on board, which is dedicated to carry different goods, was supplied by the EMF Ship, with fuel enough for them to arrive at the nearest safe port. The dhow crewmembers showed to be friendly and very grateful with the Spanish warship. Operation ATALANTA is the first EU Maritime Operation, whose one of its aims is to provide protection to the vulnerable shipping and to monitor fishing off the coast of Somalia. With this action, Counter-Piracy forces deployed in the Gulf of Aden and Indian Ocean, have provided help to three Iranian Dhows during the last week.

 Armando Correia   2012-01-18 13:46:38   368 / 228552;
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