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August 22, 2013
Ends a cycle of EMF participation in Operation Atalanta

The agreement of EUROFORCES member nations to participate in Op Atalanta motivated by the opportunity of having the four member nations assuming the three command rotations of the FHQ during whole year of 2012 and the following two first rotations command in 2013, covering the period from 6th December 2011 to 6th August 2013, has shaped one important milestone in EMF existence, once although EMF has been already involved in previous real world operations (RWO) , it was the first time that EMF participated in a RWO under in Op Atalanta.

The COMEUROMARFOR had the opportunity to address to all men and women onboard the following message: "I am really proud to point out the high professionalism and the outstanding performance of all of those directly involved in this mission, the five FHQ COMGRUEUROMARFOR and their multinational staffs and the commanding officers and crews of all the assets waving the EMF flag, side-by side with the European Union one, during last twenty months.To all, I want to express to deep appreciation to your high dedication and hard work permitting to achieve remarkable results to global security, in particularly, in that part of the globe. "

It has remained the contribute of these 4 nations has boosted the participation of EMF in this operation which has provided a new opportunity to confirm its effective capabilities and potentialities in a Real World Operation (RWO) showing the cohesion and the willingness of EMF nations to fulfill its commitments when needed and required.

 Armando Correia   2013-08-22 08:19:15   287 / 228552;
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