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June 01, 2014
EMF Multicooperative Exercise 2014 with Royal Morrocan Navy

In the frame of EUROMARFOR (EMF) Training Program, Multi Cooperative Exercise (MCE) 14 will be conducted with Royal Moroccan Navy from 09th to 13th of June 14. MCE is an exercise organized by the EMF Countries Navies and the Royal Moroccan Navy, to improve dialogue, mutual understanding and cooperation in maritime operations. The exercise will take place in the Atlantic, Northwest of Casablanca, in International waters and will include a port visit to Casablanca (Morocco) from 9th to 11th of June.

The exercise will be divided in two phases:

Phase 1. In-port activities with the RMN unit, including interoperability tests, training activities, seminars, face to face coordination meetings and a pre-sail conference. To be conducted 9th to 11th (PM) June 14.

Phase 2. A tactical exercise at sea (LIVEX) with the Royal Moroccan Navy (RMN) from 11th (PM) to 13th (AM) June 14.

The EMF Task Group for this exercise is composing of Spanish frigate ESPS SANTA MARIA (flagship), French destroyer FS MONTCALM and Portuguese frigate NRP VASCO DA GAMA under the command of Captain (N) Domingo Gomez-Pamo Y Guerra Del Rio (Spanish Navy). The Royal Moroccan Navy is participating in this exercise with RMN SULTAN MOULEY ISMAIL, SIGMA class corvette.

 Armando Correia   2014-06-01 16:06:00   305 / 217592;
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