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August 19, 2014
The Spanish Navy frigate "Navarra" assisted the French yacht in the Indian Ocean

The Spanish Navy frigate "Navarra", of the EUROMARFOR Task Group, assisted the French yacht “Vilmy02″ which was adrift in the Indian Ocean.

A German maritime patrol aircraft “Jester” received a distress call from the yacht and alerted the Spanish Navy’s frigate “Navarra”. The frigate then set sail toward the vessel in distress about 200 nautical miles away.

With the last known geographical position, “Navarra” located the yacht at about five in the morning of August 17. The Navy supplied the yacht with fuel needed to continue its course to port Salalah.

The frigate is currently participating in EU Naval Force’s anti-piracy Operation Atalanta.

 Armando Correia   2014-08-19 10:08:00   292 / 228548;
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