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October 28, 2014
ESPS Navarra visits Dar Es Salaam

After completing counter-piracy patrols in the Indian Ocean, ESPS Navarra (EUROMARFOR task group ship inside the EUNAVFOR task force), entered the port of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, to re-supply the ship.

During their visit, the Spanish frigate had the honour of welcoming the Spanish Ambassador to Tanzania on board.

During his visit, the Ambassador was given a presentation on the role of the EU Naval Force and he was introduced to members of ESPS Navarra’s ship’s company.

The visit was also an opportunity to visit the Tanzanian Navy and provide briefings and training to thirty officer cadets on firefighting, damage control, force protection and communications.

After the training, the Tanzanian Navy students were issued with training diplomas.

 Armando Correia   2014-10-28 16:10:00   274 / 228552;
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