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November 09, 2014
ESPS Navarra Hosts Spanish Ambassador to Oman

On Sunday 9 November the Spanish Ambassador to Oman, His Excellency Mr Juan José Urtasun, paid a visit to ESPS Navarra during her port visit to Muscat, Oman.

Port visits such as this are an opportunity to resupply the Spanish warship with food and stores, and give the crew the opportunity to take some rest and recuperation when not on-watch or duty.

ESPS Navarra is an EUROMARFOR Task Group unit currently deployed with the European Union’s counter-piracy Operation Atalanta and is tasked with deterring piracy off the coast of Somalia.

During the visit the Ambassador was briefed by the warship’s Operations Officer about the role of the Spanish warship in the EU Naval Force. Shortly afterwards, the Ambassador was given a tour of the embarked AB212 helicopter, the Operations Room and Bridge.

The visit finished with a formal lunch in the Commanding Officer’s Wardroom.

 Armando Correia   2014-11-09 18:50:57   261 / 217592;
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