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December 01, 2014
ITS Andrea Doria in Tanzania Carring Out LMCB Training

During their recent port visit to Dar es Salaam, the EU Naval Force flagship (EUROMARFOR flagship), ITS Andrea Doria conducted Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB) training with personnel from the Tanzanian People’s Defence Force.  The training included briefings on the procedures for handling Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), the boarding of ships, first aid techniques and medical capabilities.

The training was carried out in cooperation with staff from the EU’s training mission, EUCAP Nestor, with the aim of enhancing maritime capacities of regional states in Operation Atalanta’s area of operation.

Following discussions with ITS Andrea Doria’s training team, EU CAP Nestor staff and the Tanzanians themselves, a two-day programme was scheduled during the Italian destroyer’s visit.

The combined training, both theoretical and practical, proved highly effective and served to enhance the mutual trust and understanding between the maritime forces.

 Armando Correia   2014-12-01 18:12:00   243 / 217592;
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