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December 05, 2014
EUROMARFOR ships meet at sea

On Friday, 5th December, the EUROMARFOR task group ships meet at sea. The Spanish frigate Navarra rendezvoused off the coast of Somalia with the EUROMARFOR flagship Andrea Doria. These two EUROMARFOR ships are integrated in the EUNAVFOR task force and ITS Andrea Doria is the flagship.

After sailing near to each other, the Commanding Officer of ESPS Navarra, Commander Alejandro Cuerda Lorenzo, and two Spanish journalists, who were embarked for a few days, flew across to ITS Andrea Doria on the ship’s AB-212 helicopter.

After arriving on board the Italian Navy destroyer, they were introduced to the EU Force Commander, Rear Admiral Guido Rando.

The meeting gave the Force Commander the opportunity to thank Commander Cuerda Lorenzo for ESPS Navarra’s outstanding contribution to the EU’s counter-piracy Operation Atalanta. The Spanish warship has been deployed in the Indian Ocean conducting counter-piracy patrols for five months.

The two Spanish journalists were given the opportunity to interview the Force Commander about the European Union’s efforts to combat piracy in the Horn of Africa.

The two journalists were given a tour of ITS Andrea Doria and the opportunity to meet sailors working in the Operations Room, Bridge, Engine Control Room and Sick Bay.  After the visit, the Force HQ’s Chief of Staff, Commander Tobias Abry, gave a brief about Operation Atalanta.

The meeting of the two EU Naval Force warships concluded with a farewell ceremony, with the Spanish Navy crew giving a traditional ‘sail past’ salute to the Force Commander, before they started their journey home to Spain in time for Christmas.

 Armando Correia   2014-12-05 21:12:00   338 / 217592;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell