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December 16, 2014
ITS Andrea Doria Conducts Local Maritime Capacity Building in Antsiranana

On 16 December, during her port visit to Antsiranana, the EUROMARFOR flagship (and EU Naval Force flagship), ITS Andrea Doria, conducted Local Maritime Capacity Building (LMCB) training with personnel from the Madagascan Navy.

Italian Marines from ITS Andrea Doria provided instruction in techniques for the safe detainment of those suspected of piracy or armed robbery, and included both a theory and practical element.

The training was carried out in cooperation and with the support of staff from the EU’s training mission, EUCAP Nestor, with the aim of enhancing the maritime capacities of regional states within Operation Atalanta’s area of responsibility.

The training team received positive feedback from their Madagascan guests; particularly useful and appreciated was the effort by the flagship to combine both theoretical and practical training and to interpret for non-English speaking Madagascan personnel.

The EU Naval Force comprehensive approach proved highly effective and served to enhance the mutual trust and understanding between the maritime forces.

 Armando Correia   2014-12-16 17:12:00   245 / 217592;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell