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May 15, 2015
20th Anniversary of EUROMARFOR

On 15 May 2015, the European Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR) celebrate the 20 years of existence.

It was back in June 1992, with the Petersberg Declaration, that the Western European Union began the process of revising its structure to adapt itself to a changing world and for this reason to update the list of potential missions that could be assumed. Consequently it was the requirement to identify the forces necessary to carry out the new missions that came into force. The governments of four nations that were later to establish EUROMARFOR, were efficient enough to understand the importance of the message sent with the Petersberg Declaration. In fact, as soon as the following September, they stated their willingness to create a Multinational Maritime Force. This was the starting point of the work that would later lead to the signing of the EUROMARFOR Constitutive document in Lisbon on 15 May 1995.

The first Real World Operation for EUROMARFOR was “Operation Coherent Behavior” in eastern Mediterranean in 2002. This Operation was the first autonomous Operation in the EUROMARFOR’s history and was carried out in the frame of a mandate which had been directly given by the four (4) EUROMARFOR Nations. During this Operation, EUROMARFOR was in close cooperation with NATO in the frame of Operation Active Endeavour.

Upon the completion of this first participation in Real World Operation, another challenge was taken up by EUROMARFOR. Thus, in 2003, EMF took part in Operation Resolute Behavior in Indian Ocean in support of the International Coalition’s Operation “Enduring Freedom” and gradually embedded into it between 2003 and 2005.

EUROMARFOR participated also in Operation UNIFIL between 2008 and 2009, under the aegis of UN. This activation was a historical milestone not only for EUROMARFOR, but even for the UN, because it was the first UN direct Operation.

The latest activation of EUROMARFOR took place in December 2011 in order to participate in the European Unions’ Operation ATALANTA in Indian Ocean. This activation, excluding some short intervals, has already lasted for 30 months and is still ongoing, with a foresight to last for at least 12 months more.

During all these years, by the participation in Real World Operation which has already lasted 72 months in total, but also through a demanding program of exercises in cooperation with the countries of South Mediterranean, the visibility and the international recognition of EMF has increased significantly.

EUROMARFOR proved to be an efficient initiative, mainly because it has a very flexible structure which is based on the concept of a non-standing but pre structured force. This flexibility is very important in nowadays because, under the present difficult finance situation, it gives alternatives to the operational planning and at the same time keeps the cost at a reasonable level. For the time being, the main task orientation of the EUROMARFOR is the contribution to the Common Security and Defense Policy of European Union and the cooperation with the African countries of Mediterranean Dialogue and 5+5 initiatives.

If we try to look forward, we believe that EUROMARFOR could play a key role in EU naval forces build up process, thanks to almost six years of accumulated experience in operations with most of EU units and multinational staffs. EMF is a real European naval laboratory to constitute a pool of sailors able to work together in this framework. No doubt that it will help to generate more flexible and reactive European forces in the future.

This special event took place in Cartagena on the 15th of May 2015, with the presence of distinguished guests, namely the chiefs of the fleets of EUROMARFOR nations.

Proving her vitality, in the same ceremony, an EMF Task Group composed of ships from France, Italy, Portugal and Spain was activated to participate in the exercise SP MINEX15.




 Armando Correia   2015-05-15 13:52:39   465 / 228562;
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