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May 30, 2015

The Commander of EUROMARFOR Task Group and Force Commander of the European Naval Forces in Somalia visited ITS "Grecale" during the Saturday 30th of May. The Italian ship is about to finish her deployment at sea with the Operation ATALANTA. ITS “Grecale” joined the Task Force 465 last 17th February 2015. Since then, she has been patrolling the Area of Operations in accordance with the mission of the Operation ATALANTA.

The Italian helicopter SH212 with call sign “Goretex” was used to transport the Force Commander and his delegation. During the visit, both ships continued with their daily work off the coast of Somalia carrying out activities of maritime surveillance

He was welcomed on board by the ship’s commanding officer, Commander Onofrio Marco Frumusa who introduced him to the crew members of the ship. The Italian CO provided the FCdr with a brief about the operational statistics of the Italian ship deployment over the last four months.

The Force Commander and the “Grecale” Commanding Officer talked about the importance of the military presence off the coast of Somalia. They have also shared their ideas of the evolution of the piracy activity on the Indian Ocean.

Rear Admiral Alfonso Gomez seized the moment encouraging the crew, letting them know that their work has been truly important to reach the free maritime navigation off the coast of Somalia. He also thanked the CO for his invitation on board “Grecale”, and showed his gratitude for the objectives carried out during their deployment. Rear Admiral Gómez recognized the leadership and commitment of Italy and the Italian Navy since the very beginning of the Operation in 2009, and told them that the TF 465 also recognizes their work performed in an effective and efficient way. Finally he wished them a happy return back home.

 Armando Correia   2015-06-02 08:55:02   292 / 217592;
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