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May 27, 2015
EUROMARFOR vessels completed a triple replenishment at sea with the FS Var from the TF 150.

During the last 27th May 2015, ESPS “Galicia” and ESPS “Infanta Cristina”, both from the EUROMARFOR Task Group integrated in TF 465, performed a triple refueling at sea with the replenishment ship from the Task Force 150 (TF-150) French Navy FS VAR.

The manoeuver started at 0900 local time and took for almost two hours for the Flagship and one hour for the EUROMARFOR corvette. At total almost 360 cubic meters were transferred to the both ships navigating on the Somali Basin.

Task Force 150 (TF-150) is one of three task forces operated by Combined Maritime Forces (CMF). Its mission is to promote maritime security in order to counter terrorist acts and related illegal activities, which terrorists use to fund or conceal their movements.

This encounter at sea of three Naval Warfare Ships was profited to practice a Ship Control Approach and a Vertical Onboard Delivery (VOD) between the FS Var and the ESP Helicopter SH-3D C/S “Morsa”.

Thank to these maneuvers the permanence of the EUROMARFOR and CMF vessels can be prolonged at sea for much more time so as to keep vigil for the global maritime security, protecting all the WFP vessels, deterring and disrupting the piracy activity.

These collaborations between two Multinational Task Forces show the strong commitment of the international community to solve the main problem at sea, the piracy activity.

Adverse weather conditions made it really difficult to perform the EUROMARFOR Force Commander visit to the TF-150 Flagship FS Var, these exchange would have been a good opportunity to discuss about the actual model of piracy and who do the forces in the Area of Operations flight against it.

 Armando Correia   2015-06-02 11:19:13   312 / 217592;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell