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June 03, 2015
Operation ATALANTA´s Force Commander paid a visit to the World Food Program merchant vessel Douro

During a patrol mission off Somalia, the Operation ATALANTA Force Commander, Rear Admiral Gómez, who is based in ESPS “Galicia” visited the merchant vessel “Douro”. MV “Douro” transports merchant aids provided by the World Food Program to Somali population.

The encounter at sea took place in the northern coast of Somalia during the transit of MV “Douro” from Mombasa to Bossasso and the patrolling mission of ESPS “Galicia” trying to deter and disrupt piracy activities and monitoring fishing vessels.

The Force Commander visited MV “Douro” for 45 minutes and met with the Douro’s Master and the Serbian Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment (AVPD). This Detachment provides significant defense from piracy while allowing the warships greater freedom of manoeuvre to patrol de Area of Operation against piracy activities.

While on board MV “Douro”, Rear Admiral Gomez took the opportunity to thank the Serbian team for the work on board WFP vessels. He insisted that they are a vital element of the Operation ATALANTA Task Force who are performing an essential mission and making a very significant contribution to counter piracy. He also encouraged them to continue with their brilliant work and requested them not to lower the alert level as piracy can return at any moment.

The MV “Douro” Master’s thanked the support and the protection given by EU Naval Forces to the World Food Program. He noted that the WFP transports 90% of its assistance to Somalia by sea and that they will continue to need this important protection against possible piracy activities.

 Armando Correia   2015-06-05 10:37:17   272 / 217592;
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