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June 10, 2015
Italian Warship ITS Grecale completes her deployment on Operation ATALANTA

On Wednesday 10 June 2015 Italian Navy warship, ITS Grecale, completed her counter-piracy deployment with Operation Atalanta off the coast of Somalia. Since joining the Mission in February 2015, she has sailed more than 18,000 nautical miles in the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden, conducting patrols and meeting local seafarers.

ITS Grecale has been under EUROMARFOR flag since 6 May 2015 until her relieve.

As a part of their Counter Piracy activity on the Area of Operations, ITS Grecale has monitored more than 1000 vessels with all her assets. For these aim the Italian helicopter SH212 has flown for more than 152 hours.

In order to keep at the highest operational level during the entire operation, the Italian frigate has performed 10 replenishments at sea with other Counter Piracy Task Forces.

During her deployment, ITS Grecale conducted 50 Friendly Approaches with local sea farers in order to better understand and address local maritime security issues. She also hosted meetings with local Somali leaders on board and assisted EU sister mission EUCAP Nestor in the training of Maritime Forces of Somalia, Djibouti and Madagascar.

ITS Grecale is now heading back to Italy after a successful deployment helping to keep the waters off the Somali coast safe from pirate attacks.

 Armando Correia   2015-06-25 11:58:34   218 / 217592;
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