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June 25, 2015
Amphibious assault during the TACEX phase

During the TACTICAL PHASE (23 to 26 JUN15) took place the amphibious assault. One force of Spanish and Portuguese marines, about 1000 men, disembarked on the beech of Pinheiro da Cruz, nearby Troia.

One battalion disembarked on the morning of 25 of June and a second battalion disembarked on the afternoon.

The Harriers aircrafts of ESPS Juan Carlos I took care of the control of the air space. The EUROMARFOR ships were responsible for the close protection of the amphibious force from conventional and unconventional attacks.

The landing force made an operation ashore in order to destroy a fictitious terrorist group and free civilian hostages.


 Armando Correia   2015-07-03 10:29:23   467 / 228575;
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