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June 26, 2015
CTF443 (COMNAV) and COMEUROMARFOR (ALFLOT) were in the area of operations during the re-embarkation of the Landing Force

CTF443 (Admiral COMNAV, Admiral Pereira da Cunha) and COMEUROMARFOR (Admiral ALFLOT, Admiral Santiago Bolíbar) were in the area of operations during the re-embarkation of the Landing Force. With them there were several distinguished visitors and high level commanders, namely:

Portuguese Air Commander – TGEN Lopes da Silva;

Portuguese Land Forces Commander (Represented) – MGEN Pires da Silva;

Spanish Marine Corps Commander – MGEN Jesús Vicente Fernandez;

Portuguese Marine Corps Commander – RADM Sousa Pereira;

Spanish Landing Force Commander – BGEN Javier Hertfelder de Aldecoa;

Commander Amphibious Task Force - RADM  Martorell Lacave;

Spanish Defense and Navy Attache – CAPT(N) Diaz del Rio;

Commander of the Landing Force - COL Juan Montero Pado;

COMGRUEUROMARFOR - CAPT(N) Domingo Gómez-Pamo Guerra.

These high level commanders were in the briefing of the re-embarkation of the landing force and after that they move to ESPS Juan Carlos I on an amphibious vehicle.

On this amphibious assault ship they saw some AV-8B Harrier II attack aircrafts operating and they visited the internal facilities. They had the opportunity to see the four decks – a dock and garage for heavy cargo, a habitability deck, a hangar and light cargo garage and a flight deck with a portside 12° sky-jump. This fantastic ship is a multipurpose vessel that can be used as an aircraft carrier as well as for amphibious and relief operations.

After being aware of the events on board of ESPS Juan Carlos I these commanders moved to NRP Bartolomeu Dias were they had the final briefing.

Pictures in the gallery of pictures of CONTEX-PHIBEX 15.

 Armando Correia   2015-07-03 11:55:19   518 / 228575;
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