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September 25, 2015
ITS Libeccio performs two friendly approaches off the coast of Somalia

On the 25th September ITS “Libeccio”, after an intense monitoring of maritime traffic in the Somali basin, spotted several fishing dhows, typical fishing vessels that sometimes can hide illegal activities related with supporting piracy.

Once in the vicinity of two dhows a friendly approach started, taking advantage of the skills of San Marco Brigade, Diving Group, Force Protection Team and Special Boat Unit, all teams working for the success of the mission. The four teams were also assisted by a linguist from Djibouti Coast Guard, as a further contribution to the operational capabilities of the ship.

The friendly and smooth approaches established that both crews of the two boat were licensed fishermen, it was then decided to present them some fresh water, food and some info material to contrast piracy, in order to establish friendly relations with local people and increasing the consensus of the maritime community and the local fishermen towards the European Naval Force, in which Italy takes part with ITS “Libeccio” and its crew. During the friendly approach, has been underlined the aim of Mission Atalanta, born to carry out escorting merchant World Food Program in order to deploy humanitarian aids in Somalia, fight off piracy in the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean, protect merchant vessels transiting to and from the Red Sea and preserve, according to the situation, the transport of goods along the Somali coast.

Shortly after the friendly approach, as the favorable time of the day for fishing approached, both vessels prepared to lower their nets and resumed their fishing activity.

 Armando Correia   2015-10-07 10:26:46   309 / 228575;
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