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September 30, 2015
The monsoon period ends and ESPS “METEORO” improve the mutual understanding with Somali seafarers

On September 30th Spanish Warship ESPS “Meteoro” (P-41) performed several activities at sea focused on improving knowledge of the pattern of life in the Somali Basin and also on cooperation among EU countries.

Early in the morning, and taking advantage of being among several dhows engaged in fishing activities, ESPS “Meteoro” boarding party performed three friendly approaches to different vessels, showing the commitment of EU NAVFOR in increasing security in this area and cooperating with the fishing community. In these approaches some food and beverages were delivered, as well as two medical assistances to the master and one seaman in one of the dhows that showed stomach illness symptoms.

Also in the morning the NH-90 helicopter from EU NAVFOR partner vessel HNLMS “Groningen” was received onboard for a hot refueling. In just a few minutes, the helicopter was flying again with his tanks full in a smooth and safe maneuver.

In the afternoon the organic helo was launched for surface search, detecting several dhows. The Friendly Approach team was activated again and performed a visit to a Yemeni fishing vessel.

After sunset the boat with the friendly approach team was recovered, reassuming the ship her route, which will get her in the Gulf of Aden and to Djibouti afterwards. A busy but fruitful day for ESPS “Meteoro” and EU NAVFOR.

 Armando Correia   2015-10-07 10:37:45   332 / 228579;
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