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November 07, 2015
ESPS Victoria trains with Seychelles Air Force

On Saturday 7 November 2015, Spanish warship, ESPS Victoria, carried out counter-piracy training with the Seychelles Air Force.

The first training exercise saw ESPS Victoria acting as a merchant vessel that was under attack from pirates.  The pirates were in fact some of the Spanish crew on board one of their fast rigid hull inflatable boats (RHIB).

During this exercise, ESPS Victoria simulated a distress call, which was picked up by the Seychelles Air Force, who answered the call and took control of the situation.

A second training exercise took place on Monday 9 November, with the Seychelles Maritime Patrol Aircraft conducting a surface search for a vessel that had been reported by ESPS Victoria as acting suspiciously and trying to avoid detection.  Again the ship’s crew were acting as the suspected pirates in their RHIB.

Operation Atalanta regularly trains with regional states to develop the counter-piracy and maritime security procedures in the region.

 Armando Correia   2015-11-11 07:53:37   405 / 228579;
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