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November 18, 2015
ITS Carabiniere and the German MPRA met at sea

On Wednesday 18 November the Operation Atalanta flagship, ITS Carabiniere, and German Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) met at sea as they conducted counter-piracy patrols off the Somali coast.

Led by Commander Bodo Ahlers, the German P-3C Orion Maritime Air Contingent is based in Djibouti.  It conducts daily patrols along the Somali coast to provide up to date information about the region and any potential pirate activity to the Force Commander in the flagship.

ITS Carabiniere is currently escorting the UN FAO merchant vessel, MV Kestrel, which is deploying fishery aggregating devices, or FADs, to help develop fishing grounds for Somali fishermen along the coast.

The meeting at sea offered the opportunity for both crews to exchange a salute as they demonstrated the EU’s commitment to deterring piracy and strengthening maritime security off the coast of Somalia.

 Armando Correia   2015-11-23 07:53:14   436 / 228579;
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