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November 30, 2015
EU Naval Force, with the contribution of the EUROMARFOR assets, has successfully protected One Million Tonnes of food aid for the Somali People

Until now, the European Union’s counter-piracy operation off the coast of Somalia reached a very impressive milestone.  Codenamed ‘Operation Atalanta’, since it was launched by the EU in December 2008, EU Naval Force warships and maritime protection teams embarked in WFP ships, have successfully protected one million tonnes of World Food Programme (WFP) aid from potential pirate attack.

EUROMARFOR ships (from France, Italy, Portugal and Spain) under the operational command of EUNAVFOR were the main contributers to this mission.

The protection of WFP vessels carrying humanitarian aid by sea to the Somali people is a primary task for the EU Naval Force.

The EU Naval Force and EUROMARFOR sailors and marines are very proud to have played their part in achieved such an impressive milestone.

 Armando Correia   2015-11-30 08:10:23   407 / 228579;
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