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December 04, 2015
Saint Barbara - Italian Navy patron
Today the Italian Navy celebrates its patron, Saint Barbara.

The legend says that Barbara of Nicomedia in Bithynia was locked in a tower and then martyred for his faith opposed by her father Dioscorus, that the "four in the month of December, during the reign of Emperor Maximilian, and being headmaster Martian ..." ( around 228 AC), was hit by a lightning, symbol of immediate death without a chance to redeem himself.

The legend explains why immediately after the invention of gunpowder, in each italian ammunition stores, particularly on warships, there is a picture of the Saint that preserves from fire and lightning the deposits, that are called in Italian "Santa Barbara".

On behalf of all EUROMARFOR community, best wishes to the Italian Navy and in particular to Admiral Stefano Barbieri, Commander Francesco Saladino and to all the women and men serving at sea in this paricular moment under our Flag.

 Stefano Donno   2015-12-04 08:24:43   761 / 228579;
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