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December 25, 2015
EUROMARFOR flagship ITS Carabiniere welcomed local children on board to celebrate Christmas

On Friday 25 December, sailors from EUROMARFOR flagship ITS Carabiniere, integrated in the EU Naval Force, welcomed local children on board to celebrate Christmas Mass during a visit to Madagascar.

The children were accompanied by sisters and seminarists from the local orphanage, Le Sacre Coeur, the local public school, Bon Pasteur, the Soeurs du Coeur Immaculè de Marie, as well as from the medical centre, Le Samaritaine.

The Mass was accompanied by a traditional Madagascan choir and was followed by a special Christmas buffet onboard. After the celebrations, ITS Carabiniere’s very own Father Christmas met the children and gave them a present to help them remember the day.

On completion of her stay in Antsiranana, ITS Carabiniere will resume her counter-piracy patrols off the coast of Somalia.

 Armando Correia   2016-01-04 08:25:11   424 / 228579;
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