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January 12, 2016
CGEMF visited the Djiboutian Coastguard

On Tuesday, 12 January 2016, Operation Atalanta’s Force Commander and also EUROMARFOR Task Group Commander (CGEMF), Rear Admiral Stefano Barbieri, visited the Djiboutian Coastguard and was welcomed by its Commander, Colonel Wais O. Bogoreh.

During the visit the Force Commander, accompanied by members of the Force Headquarters, was given an overview of the current capabilities of the Djiboutian Coast Guard and its future challenges. They also visited one of the newest Djiboutian Patrol Boats.

Visits such as this help to strengthen the relationship between the EU Naval Force and its regional partners, enhancing the EU’s commitment to creating a safe and secure maritime environment for seafarers in the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Aden.

 Armando Correia   2016-01-20 18:53:36   438 / 228575;
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