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January 17, 2016
Chinese Counter-Piracy Force Commander Visits Operation Atalanta Flagship

On Sunday 17 January 2016, the Force Commander of the Chinese Escort Task Group 576, Rear Admiral Chen Qiangnan, was welcomed on board ITS Carabiniere by CGEMF Rear Admiral Barbieri.

After a tour of the Italian warship, Rear Admiral Barbieri and Rear Admiral Chen Qiangnan concluded the visit with talks on the European Union and Chinese Navy’s common efforts to strengthen maritime security in the region through joint planning and counter-piracy exercises.

Rear Admiral Barbieri said

“We are very pleased to continue the dialogue between our two Forces and this meeting is another step forward in the strengthening of our good relationship.”

 Evangelos Andreatos   2016-02-03 13:08:54   382 / 228575;
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