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February 23, 2016
Italian Ambassador in Tanzania on board ITS CARABINIERE

Italian Ambassador in Tanzania, Luigi Scotto, visited EMF Flagship for operation ATALANTA, ITS Carabiniere, during its port call in Dar Es Salaam on February 22, 2016 

The ambassador, received by the COMGRUEUROMARFOR, Rear Admiral Stefano Barbieri, and the Commanding Officer, Commander Francesco Saladino, met the ship crew, involved in the fight against piracy in the Somali basin and the Gulf of Aden area.

During the port call in Dar es Salaam the crew performed activities in support of the local population, such as maintenance work, material and food donations to some hospitals and Tanzanian educational and humanitarian organizations.

 Stefano Donno   2016-02-23 13:47:44   704 / 228575;
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