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February 29, 2016
ITS Carabiniere received the certificate of recognition for supporting the UN FAO

ITS Carabiniere received the certificate of recognition for supporting the UN FAO, during the port call to Dar Es Salaam - Tanzania.
The Italian ship is the EMF flagship for the Operation Atalanta, led by Rear Admiral Stefano Barbieri.
ITS Carabiniere, under the command of Commander Francesco Saladino, during November and December 2015 has provided support to UN FAO activities, directly escorting the Merchant Vessel chartered by the UN, Comarco Kestrel. This ship has layed 25 "Fish Aggregating Devices", or FADS, along the Somali coast, with the aim to increase the fish population and encourage the development of fishing activities of coastal populations.


 Stefano Donno   2016-02-29 14:06:57   539 / 232783;
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