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March 14, 2016
FGS Erfurt Hosts Operation Atalanta Force Commander

Operation Atalanta’s Force Commander and Commander of EUROMARFOR Task Group, Rear Admiral Stefano Barbieri, has paid a visit to German warship, FGS Erfurt, as he prepares to hand over his command of the Atalanta Force HQ to Rear Admiral Kaack from the German Navy on Wednesday 23 March.

Rear Admiral Kaack will command the EU Naval Force off the coast of Somalia from German frigate, FGS Bayern.

With FGS Erfurt sailing in close proximity to ITS Carabiniere, Rear Admiral Barbieri was welcomed on board by her commanding officer, Commander Thomas Klitzsch, who took command of the German warship one month ago.

Rear Admiral Barbieri wished Commander Klitzsch and his crew ‘fair winds and following seas’ during their five month deployment.

 Evangelos Andreatos   2016-03-16 08:38:40   598 / 228575;
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