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February 27, 2016
Operation Atalanta Ships Conduct Joint Training with Chinese Navy

On 27 February, Operation Atalanta and Chinese warships conducted joint training in the Indian Ocean. The training included air operations with the ships’ embarked helicopters.

The Chinese ships, tanker CNS Taihu and frigate CNS Daquing, conducted a joint replenishment at sea with Atalanta and EUROMARFOR warship ESPS Tornado and with FGS Erfurt. They also practiced formation manoeuvring and joint escorting.

Coordinated and supervised by Chinese liaison officers on board the Atalanta ships, CNS Taihu conducted joint replenishment with ESPS Tornado on one side and FGS Erfurt on the other.

The exercises helped to further develop the cooperation and interoperability between Atalanta ships and other  nations’ naval forces.

 Evangelos Andreatos   2016-03-16 09:11:06   440 / 228575;
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