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May 30, 2016
EUROMARFOR Multicooperative Exercise with the Tunisian Navy (MCE2016)

From 31st of May to 2nd of June a EUROMARFOR Task Group is activated to participate in an exercise with the Tunisian Navy. The commander of the task group is Commander (Italian Navy) Giuseppe Villani assisted by an international staff.

This exercise, developed in the frame of The EUROFORCES Mediterranean Initiative, aims to strengthen security and stability in the Mediterranean, building confidence and capacity throughout the increasing of the political dialogue, military-to-military contacts, participation in EUROFORCES exercises and official ceremonies, and other practical cooperation options.

This year the partner of EUROMARFOR is the Tunisian Navy. The EUROMARFOR ships, ITS Borsini (flagship), NRP João Roby and ESPS Duero will work with the fast patrol boat Himilcon (507) from the Tunisian Navy, off the Tunisian coast. The exercise aims to check communications and practice procedures to face shared threats such as terrorism at sea, weapons of mass destruction and other actual security problems exploiting at sea.  

Fair winds for the mission!

 Armando Correia   2016-05-27 11:55:48   581 / 228575;
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