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June 01, 2016
EUROMARFOR TG is working with Tunisian Navy

From 31st of May to 2nd of June is underway a Multicooperative Exercise between EUROMARFOR and the Tunisian Navy.

The ships of EUROMARFOR (the Italian Ocean Patrol Vessel Borsini, the flagship, the Portuguese corvette João Roby and Spanish Mine Hunter Duero) arrived yesterday (31 MAY) very early in the vicinity of Tunis harbour to the “rendez-vous” with Tunisian fast patrol boat Himilcon.

To carry out this activity, the Operational Commander of the EUROMARFOR Force, Vice Admiral Fillippo Foffi  (the Commander in Chief of the Italian Fleet)  assigned the command of this EUROMARFOR Task group to Cdr. ITN Giuseppe Viallani, assisted by an international staff.

The first day was very busy for the ships’ crew, with the aim to ensure procedures, test communications systems and equipment and fix last minute details of the activities programmed necessary to achieve a good level of familiarization and for accomplishing with the common training objectives.

Representatives of the participating units were received on board of the flagship, ITS Borsini, where there was the activation ceremony, that represents the willingness of crews to work together with the same team spirit and purpose. Hence, a pre-sail conference and operational meetings were carried out and some useful information were presented and shared before starting with the sea program.

In the afternoon, some exercises were conducted in the area of force protection and reaction to damages. 

Today (01 JUN) the ships are sailing and conducting activities in the domain of maritime security. 

This is the real purpose of the multicooperative, to promote the importance of the security at sea, building confidence and capacity between EUROMARFOR Nations (France, Italy, Portugal and Spain) and the neighbours of the south margin with the final goal of making and keeping safe and secure the Mediterranean area in order to ensure the freedom of the movements at sea.


 Armando Correia   2016-06-01 12:52:20   932 / 228575;
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Updated by EUROMARFOR Permanent Cell