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June 02, 2016
EUROMARFOR in the Rome Republic Day (La Festa della Repubblica)

Rome Republic Day, or la Festa della nascita della Repubblica Democratica Italiana.

It commemorates the outcome of the institutional referendum of 1946, when Italy’s population had to make a choice for their future. Given the fall of Fascism and the end of the World War II, Italians decided to opt for a republic over a monarchy, after 85 years upholding the latter system.

Held on the 2nd of June every year, it’s one of the country’s most important holidays; up there with the 4th of July in the US, and the 14th of July in France. Rome Republic Day has been celebrated with a military parade at the presence of the President of the Italian Repubblic,  the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defence, the CHOD and the Chief of the Armed Forces. This parade has taken place on the Via dei Fori Imperiali.

During the parade, In the sky, the Italian Air Force has shone the Italian flag colours.

It was an event full of meaning for the Italian Nation and it was an honour to the EUROMARFOR to be present, proudly showing the flag in the military parade.

 Armando Correia   2016-06-02 17:43:55   1075 / 232788;
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