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June 06, 2016
Italian MINEX 16 underway from 6th to 18th June

An EUROMARFOR Task Group composed by 1 Corvette NRP Joao Roby (the Flagship) and 3 MHC, FS Capricorne, ITS Milazzo and ESPS Duero, will be activated from the 6th to the 18th  of June in order to participate in the exercise Italian Minex 16.

The Italian Minex 16 is an annual exercise, scheduled by the Italian Navy Fleet Commander (CINCNAV) and conducted by the Italian Mine Warfare Forces Command (MARICODRAG).

The commander of EUROMARFOR Task Group will be the Italian Navy CDR Giuseppe Villani, supported by multinational staff, composed by Portugal and Italy Navy personnel.

The exercise will take place in the Ligurian Sea with the scope to train naval assets to conduct Mine Counter Measures (MCM) operations to make and keep secure the maritime environment.

The activity will be carried out in a realistic scenario in which the participant units will carry out an intensive two weeks of training activities, aimed to set up common methods of work necessary to improve their interoperability in the framework of MCM operations.

 Armando Correia   2016-06-06 09:06:50   1234 / 234546;
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