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June 08, 2016
EUROMARFOR ships departed La Spezia for the ITALIAN MINEX 16

The ships FS Capricorne (France), ITS Milazzo (Italy), NRP João Roby (Portugal) and ESPS Duero (Spain) departed La Spezia to participate in the exercise Italian Minex 16. These ships are integrated in a EUROMARFOR Task Group. The photos are from the activation ceremony of the force, with representatives of the four ships and the international staff.

The Commander of the Force is Commander (Italian Navy) Giuseppe Villani embarked in the Portuguese Navy ship João Roby, that is the flagship during the exercise, from 6th to 18th of June.

NRP João Roby has a detachment of special divers embarked and a underwater autonomous vehicle (UAV).  

Other assets from NATO and Italian Navy participate in the exercise, a total of 11 ships from five different nations (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Turkey).

 Armando Correia   2016-06-08 13:43:10   1990 / 228575;
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