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September 16, 2016
Vice Admiral Donato MARZANO is the new COMEUROMARFOR

On the 16th september 2016, Vice Admiral Donato Marzano has assumed the Command in Chief of the Italian Navy Fleet (CINCNAV) and the Command of European  Maritime Force (EUROMARFOR Operational Commander or COMEUROMARFOR), relieving Vice Admiral Filippo Maria Foffi. 

The ceremony of the handover took place on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier Cavour, at the presence of the Chief of the Italian Navy, Vice Admiral Valter Girardelli.

Admiral Foffi ended his duty after nearly four years as Italian Navy Fleet Commander and he was COMEUROMARFOR since 17th September 2015, when the Italian Navy started the two years mandate. 

Vice Admiral Marzano took over the command of the Italian Navy Fleet and COMEUROMARFOR after having completed his assignment as Commander of the Italian Navy Logistics Command, based in Naples.

 Francesco Rima   2016-09-21 16:29:31   1414 / 234528;
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