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May 05, 2017
Maritime Security guides EUROMARFOR

During last two days, EMF ships in cooperation with Royal Moroccan Navy, were engaged in different sea exercises, focused on maritime security, in international waters off the coast of Morocco as part of the Multi-cooperative Exercise 2017 (MCE 17).

This focused maritime security concentrated on improve mutual confidence, capabilities and best practices along with a fruitful dialogue and cooperation in the framework of maritime security and stability.

As a maritime security activity, MCE is charged with enhancing security throughout the international waters of the Mediterranean and works to reassure local and transiting mariners.

This activity has the potential to help to identify possible security concerns such as weapons smuggling or terrorist activity while at the same time increasing cooperation, flexibility and strength through unified effort.

 Pedro Borges   2017-05-07 16:03:24   597 / 228562;
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