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January 22, 2018
New EUROMARFOR exercise "SEA BIT 18"

In a globalised world, the new asymmetric threat seems to have found in the maritime areas a particularly fertile breeding ground, in this framework some ships not squawking rightly to the AIS became “of interest” for the community. This is the initial scenario for the new EUROMARFOR exercise “SEA BIT 18” that will take place tomorrow and will include at least one Unit for each Country already at sea.

Bearing in mind current international security challenges, the aim of SEA BIT exercise is to strengthen the teamwork between EMF Naval Operational Centres (NOC) and respective Units operating at sea, to enhance systems interoperability and information sharing, supporting a worldwide confident Maritime Security Awareness focused in maritime trade operations.

 Pedro Borges   2018-01-22 16:50:22   677 / 228562;
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